Nick Absalom

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2014.

Nick Absalom was in Katherine, Northern Territory in 1957. He moved to Alice Springs in 1974 where he still lives with his wife Lynnette Absalom and they run their businesses.

Nick's first drive of a truck was in his Dad's Ford F600 followed by a R180 International powered by a 180 Cummins supercharged on Ucharonidge Station. He first started driving trucks for a living in 1974 when he carted cattle and fuel. He drove his first Mack a 237 Maxadyne body and three trailers for Sherwins carting cattle in the Northern Territory. Nick has also carted fuel for Scotts.

Over the years Nick has driven a wide array of trucks ranging from several Internationals to a White 4000 and Road Boss to many Macks. In about 1976 A&F (Absalom and Fuchs) Transport was formed and ten years later, in 1984 Nick purchased his first Mack, a Series 1 Mack Superliner. He has been a devotee of the marque since. Nicky continues to run his transport business out of Alice Springs and currently operates with a fleet of eight trucks being five Titan Macks, one CLR Mack, one Titan Southern Cross Mack, one CH Mack and one 1988 Bicentennial Mack Superliner. His trucks clock up millions of kilometres each year.

One special truck is 'Henry Lawson' a 1988 Bicentennial Mack Superliner that is still very much a work-horse. Henry continues to run out the dusty old Tanami Highway and doesn't miss a beat! The most recent truck A&F Transport purchased is a Mack Titan Southern Cross Number 1984. There were only ever 10 built in the world. Nick uses this truck to cart express freight between Adelaide to Alice Springs.

Nick is forever on the go whether it be driving trucks himself, ser- vicing his fleet, fixing dollys, doing engine change overs and the list goes on. Nick is well known and respected within the road transport industry where he has been driving for over forty years. It appears Nick will continue to be involved with trucks and the transport industry for as long as his body allows.


Cedric Abood


Alan “Chummy” Adams