Devron and Brian Booth
Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2004.
Booth brothers, Devron and Brian, have spent their lives building on the transport business started by their father, Lindsay, in 1936. Lindsay's first truck, a Bedford, could only carry the equivalent of 1.5 tonnes of grapes, hay or wood in the areas he worked south of Adelaide, SA but; a contract to cart grapes and wine for Magill-based Penfolds in 1939 planted the seed for Booth Transport to become the largest wine carrier in Australia.
Penfold's iconic wine, the Grange, is synonymous with high quality, just as Booth Transport has become wine companies' choice for their carrier. This in itself is indicative of the high standards of professionalism that Devron and Brian Booth both bring to all aspects of their various businesses.
Booth Transport now has a diverse fleet comprising mainly of Kenworth prime-movers, tautliners, tankers, drop-deck trailers in multiple combinations as well as smaller metro delivery vehicles. Booth Transport terminals in the Barossa Valley and Deniliquin manage food-grade bulk cartage of wine, milk, liquid sugar and many other food products. The other depots in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane handle general freight. Booth Transport can also boast being a pioneer in safety with Devron's invention: the handrail system for tankers which was first fitted to Booth tankers in 1997 and is now common throughout the road transport industry. Devron Booth retired from Booth Transport in 2000 to start Booth Engineering with his son, Stuart. Their company is a huge success in its own right, promoting and selling these handrails all over the Asia Pacific and the USA.
Booth Transport continues to be a family-run company with Brian's sons, Mitchell, in Melbourne, Peter in Adelaide, Cameron in Brisbane and Damien in Sydney all playing their part.
There is no doubt, that being endowed with the same drive as their grandfather, father and uncle, they will bring expansion and exciting new projects to a business that is known world-wide.