Lew Couper

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2000.

Growing up on the family farm near Trayning , WA, Lew Couper was never far from trucks.  They were an integral part of his life and even as a child he knew he would one day drive a truck.
When a drought swept through the district in 1969 it resulted in massive stock movements as farmers sought greener pastures for their stock.  This in turn created a shortage of professional livestock transport available to cope with the heavy demand.  Lew saw opportunity and began his life-long work in the transport industry.Lew was amazed to find that this industry was heavily regulated and his movements restricted by oppressive rules laid down by the decidedly pro-rail, anti-road government of the day.  Never-the-less, Lew's business, Trayning Transport Services grew to include wool, fertilizer and grain transportation. 

In 1985, out of sheer frustration with what was happening in his industry, he joined the local Livestock Transporters Association (LTAWA) in order to have his say. Lew is a boots and all person.  He gave his all to LTAWA and a year later was elected to serve as president, a position he held from 1983 to 1988.  During this time he was instrumental in effecting much positive change for the road transport industry on both local and national levels.  Such was Lew's dedication to the cause that he then became president of the lobby group, the Australian Livestock Transporters Association.  In 1999 he was presented with the Australia Day Council Chairman's Award.  He is dedicated to the promotion of safe practices in road transport, is a member of the Chartered Institute of Transport, served as chairman of the Livestock Transporters Association's Safety Committee and is Patron and a Foundation Member of the Road Transport Hall of Fame.


Loal Coughran


Robert Coutts