Mick Curley

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2009.

Brisbane was the birthplace of Michael Thomas Curley in 1944, and his early years on Tregole Station near Morven, QLD proved to be a solid basis for his future within the cattle industry.

His education was at Churchie College in Brisbane, where Mick did his best to comply with all the rules, but the odd non-compliance just may have contributed to his future character and personality.

Michael and his family relocated to Gipsy Plains, Cloncurry in 1963 and by 1970 he was married and living there.  After a brief stint as a bush mailman, Mick began his most challenging and stimulating life experience - that of a truck driver.  The purchase of a Dodge with a 160 Cummins began his truck driving venture and by 1975  he was steering a B-model Mack.  Those years were filled with criss-crossing the many inhospitable dirt roads of Queensland, transporting cattle to stations and sales.  Michael possibly would not say that it was a riveting adventure nor packed full of incident, but to boil the billy, share a yarn and talk around the fire, cook a feed and sleep in the swag until daylight, contributed to a memory and a way of life never to be forgotten.  There are not many dirt tracks nor creeks that Mick has not crossed and, to this day, he is still known to get behind the wheel and do the odd driving job.

Today, Michael Curley owns a livestock transport company with a fleet of 23 trucks and that in itself is a great achievment.  But his love of trucks has only enhanced his timeless ability for his greatest triumph; the very many friends he has made along the way.  Michael has given himself to the road transport industry.  He has been a supportive member and his whole strength and focus have been about doing the job.


Sydney Gordon Cupper


Mick “Wheels” Curtin