Roy Crotty

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2010

Roy Crotty was the first apprentice motor mechanic employed by the Brown & Hurley Group where he commenced work in 1946. He was promoted to Group Services Manager in 1960, a position he held until his retirement in January 1993.
In the years that followed World War 2, equipment was in short supply and Roy, under the supervision of Alan Brown, manufactured and fitted up equipment for use in the logging industry (which was increasing rapidly at the time), including jinkers, bolsters and guards.
He fitted winches to White trucks and Allis Chalmers Crawler tractors which were being marketed by Brown and Hurley at the time. In later years, when Kenworths arrived fully imported from the USA, modifications were required to suit the tougher Australian conditions. Roy was a pioneer in designing these modifications and some are still used in today's manufacturing at the Kenworth plant in Bayswater, Victoria.
In 1951 Roy married Nerelle Coleman and raised eight children and formed a close family unit with 21 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. He would spend time with them and carry out maintenance on their vehicles. He  also attended to break down and accidents with the tow truck. Since retirement, Roy has remained close friends with Brown & Hurley and to this day is still involved in their vehicle restorations and transports these vehicles, along with Nerelle, to various shows including Allora Heritage Show, Kyabram White Truck Muster and Beenleigh Heritage Truck Show. Today he spends time at the Kyogle Golf Club where, on a voluntary basis, he maintains the grounds and plays an occasional game of golf if time permits..


Bruce Cropley


Arthur Crowhurst