Mark Howard

Mark (Strop) Howard was born in Sale, Victoria in December 1960. He left school at 16 intent on being a truck driver like his father. He jockeyed for Crystal Cordial, delivering around Gippsland.

Mark started with Ray Pearce driving under supervision until he was able to acquire an endorsed licence. He was happy when the P plates were removed from the heavy vehicle. Many years followed driving local and interstate. Mark spent approximately eight months driving milk tankers part time for J & D Stacey.

On the 25thFebruary 1985, Mark commenced driving for GL & VN Leeson Logging & Heavy Haulage. Mark, or Strop as he is known, has over the years established himself in a unique group of truck drivers within the local logging fraternity. This group is not large and they are more than your average drivers. They have established themselves as true professionals who respect their employer with the maturity to protect their position. Where necessary, they challenge their employer in order to establish a fair and reasonable outcome. Mark has always backed himself when he knows he is right and has always supported himself with information.

Strop's work ethic is unquestionable. He has a firm belief that when he goes to work it is a two way street. He wants a fair days pay and a profitable outcome for his employer. This is extremely rare these days. To quote the vernacular of the day He's always been able to bring the truck home".

Mark and his employer have had a few cross words but after conversation and debate they have always been able to walk away knowing that both have had their say and received a fair hearing.

When B-doubles came along, his employer used Strop to promote the new model as their image on the highway was paramount in convincing the public that this enlarged mode of transport was safe and productive. He was a positive ambassador for the business.


Les Howard


Denis Howe