Sharon Hourn

SHARON LEANNE HOURN was born in Darlinghurst in August 1964. She was born into a trucking family and grew up with a deep appreciation of the industry and the issues within it. Her grandfather had started his trucking business in 1948 when the industry was in a post WWII boom.

Sharon's parents were also heavly involved in transport and for 40 years they designed and manufacturing livestock trailers in Dubbo. The business was known as 'Shanks Trailers'Sharon's first job was in the shed painting boards for the sides of the stock crates. She enjoyed the mateship and camararderie of the industry and knew in her heart she e would stay working within it. Sharon's husband Darren also had a love for trucks, he grew up driving and repairing trailers from the age of ten.

In 1994 they relocated from Dubbo to pursue a career as a livestock carriers not knowing their lives would changed forever. Easter Monday 1995 saw Darren, Sharon and there two toddlers Tamika aged 2 and Khaleb aged 1 going on a day trip with dad in the truck. Unfortunately they were involved in a tragic accident which took the lives of both their toddlers and which left Sharon fighting for life. It was a long recovery process and there was little support from their industry. The professionals she attended also had no understanding of the industry. Sharon not only recovered, she went on to become a qualified lifeline counsellor as she was determined to support drivers, especially drivers that have been involved in an accident. Sharon has been supporting truck drivers since 2008, she travels to them, setting up at roadhouses and truck stops.

In January 2019 Darren and Sharon relocated to Tresco, Victoria for work, with no truck stop or roadhouse in the area Sharon travels the 250km round trip in her personal vehicle at her own expense to talk to drivers, offer a smile and give them a preventative health check free of charge. Sharon takes their blood pressure and blood sugar working with a number of agencies she can refer drivers to if required. Daryl is her biggest support.

Sharon has spoken to drivers from every corner of the country and knows firsthand the health impacts of industry and the heartfelt trauma a road fatality has on family. The industry is grateful to know that there is a genuine lady out there offering help and support.


Keith Horsey


Keith Houston