Ian Howie

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2005.

Ian Howie was born in 1936 and spent his childhood years on a dairy farm at Catani, Victoria. He worked as a motor mechanic for Cheneys in Dandenong. This introduction to motor engines and all that is associated with them began a passionate affiliation that continues even in retirement today.

Ian has always been a hands-on man. Though not formally qualified in engineering, he inspired and developed many adjustments to vehicles to further enhance their work capacity. His very first project, in 1958, was to rebuild a Bedford tray truck for a friend. Throughout Ian's working life, he drove all types of trucks and occasionally buses. He covered many long, hard miles on interstate trips in the late 1950s and 60s, on roads considerably different from today. 

For 26 years, he was a conscientious and much-valued employee. Ian was involved in a broad range of trucking experiences covering interstate and local cartage of everything from building materials to fertilizer and fresh produce.  Ian, at the age of 49, purchased his first truck, a second-hand L1 I1 Scania semi-tipper. It was his pride and joy.  Ian later updated to a P 112M Scania pulling his semi-tipper which was later converted to a tandem tipper. Ian's much loved career of choice with trucks has come at a physical cost to him. Asbestos exposure in brake linings and materials carted, together with crippling arthritis are making their presence felt on his body. Fingers that for years tied down loads with skill and ease, now have limited function. Despite all this, he can still be found regularly in his shed, maintaining or modifying one of the trucks or machines. Ian's fellow truckies regard him with respect.

The appreciation of his willingness to assist others has been relayed to his family many times. Ian is the epitome of the unsung hard working Aussie truckie.  An honest and reliable man, he is respected by all who came in contact with him.


Denis Howe


Chris Howlett