Donald Hazel

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2007.

Donald Hazell's achievements never occurred by chance. They were the result of hard work and being able to lead and inspire others. He has never been short of an idea.
Don was not educated at high school because he had to leave to work on his parent's dairy farm. But he received a great education at home. He refers to his parents as instilling good Christian values, particularly his mother, who taught him to trust his 'gut instinct'. Donald's love of trucks and machinery was apparent from boyhood days.
His older family members would marvel at his ability to interpret, from the sound of a truck far off in the distance, its exact make and model. Here comes a truck. Donald, what kind is it? He always knew the answer. Those who know him well would realise that starting Hazell Bros was a project not for making money, but for improving the community by building better infrastructure, and more importantly, giving people jobs. He just loves to see things being done. His passion for the local community can be noted by his lengthy service on the local council and his being part of other community work such as getting the Lady Nelson boat project going.
The North West Bay Golf Course was founded by Donald when he would take time out at lunch to hit a few balls in the paddock next door to his house and Hazell Bros Workshops. He established a few putting greens, put a tin at the gate for users to put money in (if they had it), got his young sons to do the course maintenance, and before long, word had spread and a club was born.
Today, at 83 he is slowing down but is far from idle. Still living with his wife of over 57 years, and still in the house in which he was born, he tends to his 50 head of cattle, cuts up wood at the quarry and participates on the local council.
He is in the process of finishing his first investment property and takes intense interest in the share market. But trucks are still by far his greatest passion. As he says,
They are my life interest.


Wilf Haywood


Noel & Thelma Healey