Greg & Debbrah Haylock
Greg William Haylock & Debbie Ann Haylock were married in 1981. There was no doubt Greg Haylock would follow his Father's footsteps and continue to grow the Emerald Carrying Company business formed in 1965. His passion for the transport industry is undeniable.
One look at the emerald Carrying Co fleet and you get the true understanding of the integrity and the lifelong commitment Greg and Debbie have made to the business. Every truck has these words written on the door PRIDE, CARE, RESPEST & EXELLENCE. Every one of these words ring true to Greg's and Debbie's approach to their business and life.
Over the years Greg and Debbie have grown the Emerald carrying Co business. They now have depots throughout QLD a fleet consisting of 95 trucks 220 trailers and over 250 employees.
Greg and Debbie have worked hard and it has been a road full of highs and lows. When asked where they see their business in 10 years they proudly mention their children Matt, Ben & Taylor who all work within the company today. Greg and Debbie have full confidences in their children and believe they will continue to expand and evolve the business to be bigger and better than they imagined.