Robert Hemphill

Robert (Bob) Hemphill was born in the tiny town of Beveridge, Victoria on the14th January 1943 in what was mostly a farming community. Bob was interested in becoming a chef before he left school but took up a carpentry apprenticeship and was a very good tradesman.

He began driving trucks and started a business with his brother Ron carting grain for the local farmers as well as livestock, superphosphate and general freight. Some of his first trucks were an International AA 160 semi with stock crate, J Model Bedford and a Thames Trader. But his favourites were a 760 Dodge and a KM Bedford powered by a GM motor. He still uses them today to cart water.

Bob has always taken great pride and dedication in his trucks, keeping them clean and always tinkering to make them more to his satisfaction.

Bob was always kind to his livestock and had a good relationship with his customers as he considered being on time and giving good service was essential.


Bernard (Bernie) Hemphill


Kenneth Hennessy