Don McGlinchie

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2008.

Now retired, but still remaining firmly involved in the mechanical and operational aspects of trucks and road transport, Don McGlinchie has been, and remains, a true professional in every sense.

After serving an apprenticeship in motor mechanics.  Don decided to join the owner-driver ranks which blossomed into a lifelong fascination and appreciation for everything to do with trucks and anything to do with the road transport industry generally.

Many of his years as an owner-driver were spent traversing the east-west route between Sydney and Perth at a time when the Nullarbor Plain truly was a test of endurance for man and machine.  Accordingly, his respect for the legendary Mack B-model and later, International models such as the cab-over DCO became entrenched forever in his regard for those remarkable machines.  There can be no question though, that in his skilful hands, both performance and durability of these trucks , were greatly enhanced.  In fact, an incredible understanding and affinity for almost anything mechanical, perhaps, only matches his exceptional driving skills.

These abilities and attributes were later put to great use when the former 'Bible' of the road transport industry, Truck & Bus Transportation magazine, engaged Don's services as a test driver and technical adviser, from the late 1970s to the early 1990s.  His experience, skills and knowledge were critical contributors to a hugely detailed test report on the latest trucks and transport.  Don McGlinchie's expertise in all matters mechanical, coupled with a natural finesse when behind the wheel, was arguably the most valuable component of these immensely authoritative evaluations.

Now in semi-retirement, Don is doing the occasional delivery job for a couple of truck sales companies.  He has recently bought back his International DCOF 405 and is rebuilding it hoping that it will be ready for the 2010 reunion in Alice.

An avid supporter of the owner-driver cause, he is a man of rare and supreme quality.


Stanley & Thomas McGlashen


Mervyn McGlynn