Rick Morgan

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2010.

Rick Morgan was raised in Richmond, Melbourne. His father, George Morgan, was a Pioneer Tours bus driver who had seen a lot of changes in the transport industry. This influenced Rick's passion and desire to make something of himself within the industry as an owner operator. While working for Ansett Road Freight as a bowser boy Rick saw his first Kenworth. From that day forward, Rick's passion for Kenworth trucks began and he knew that one day he would own one.

At 17 Rick purchased his first truck, a 1953 petrol Austin, which he called 'Tunzer Guts'. He used it to cart general goods locally in Melbourne. Rick's fondest memory of this truck was the day he blocked the suspension to get more payload.  Back in those days they paid the drivers by the tonnage. Rick decided to block up his suspension with train brake. As Rick approached a corner, one of the blocks gave way on one side of the truck resulting in Rick having to reload by hand as the tyres were jammed on the truck tray.

In 1965 Rick purchased a 1955 Austin diesel which he also called 'Tunzer Guts'. This was the first truck Rick worked interstate from Melbourne to Sydney. After the Austin era, Rick decided on a 1968 KM Bedford which he named 'Fender Bender.' Rick rated the 5 cycle UD motor in the Bedford as "useless diesel." The Bedford was well known for the lazy airbag axle and tow tri-axle pig trailer which was one of the first built in Australia with a flat top deck trailer.

After a lot of headaches and break downs, Rick decided to upgrade and finally achieved his dream with his very first Kenworth, a 1976 K124  which he also named 'Fender Bender.' Rick worked his beloved Kenworth carting everything from general goods, containers, fridge vans locally and interstate.

After such a good run with the K124, Rick decided to update and purchased a 1981 K125 Kenworth Aerodyne in 1985. He named this truck 'Sludger'. After many hours and hard work Rick turned the Kenworth into a truck that would turn heads here-ever it went. Chrome was Rick's passion and he decided to chrome all the spiders on Aerodyne. The truck has been featured in the Truckin Life and also made the front cover of Truckstar in Holland. Rick worked this truck locally and interstate for 16 years. One of Rick's memories of the Kenworth was the day he carted a 40 foot retractable skel trailer. When taking off from the traffic lights the pins snapped leaving the tri-axle at the back of the trailer and two chassis rails and 24 tonne container sitting on the road. The Kenworth is currently driven by Rick's son Cameron.

Over the past 15 years, Rick and Lorraine have established the company Lorrimor Pty Ltd and have a proud fleet of 9 Kenworths. Currently Rick drives an impressive K104B 2.9 metre big cab Aerodyne which he works delivering mainly steel and water within Victoria.


Betty Morgan


John Morris