Neil Mulcahy

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2007.

Neil Mulcahy had an obsession with trucks and tractors from a very early age mostly dinky and matchbox toys. He didn't get A's for Math or English but had they tested something worthwhile like: What model was the truck labouring up the hill along the Burwood Highway? he would have been top of the class.

One night Neil went out to look at a tip truck with his friend who was thinking of buying it. Neil can still remember coming home and telling his wife, Margaret, that the friend wasn't buying the truck but that he thought that they should. They did!

It was a 1418 Mercedes tandem tipper. Neil then hired himself out on various construction sites around Melbourne for the next three years. It was on one of these sites, one morning, that he was talking to another truckie and mentioned the he wouldn't mind getting into the gardening supply business. This was one of those 'being in the right place at the right time stories'. The truckie responded with, That's interesting, as he had a block of land in Ringwood with a permit for garden supplies. He went on to say that he was too old to start up that sort of business (he was probably about Neil's age now) but was happy to sell the land.

After talking it over with Margaret they decided to stick their necks out and go for it. Hence the start of Daisy's Garden Supplies. After getting into the garden supply business they found there was a need for larger carrying capacity so they moved into Kenworths with Cummins engines, Hercules bodies and trailers. For the smaller delivery vehicles they used Mitsubishi and later Hino and are happy with both.


Fay Muir


Colin Mulcahy