Peter Madden

PETER MADDEN was born in Goulburn in Southern New South Wales. He spent his childhood and teenage years in the Southern Highlands where his early schooling was at single teacher schools. His secondary education was at the technical college in Goulburn. Attendance was a daily commute by horse and later, by regional school bus. Peter says;

Anyone with an understanding of the Goulburn-Crookwell winter weather will understand the hardships involved.

In those days small rural areas didnt offer much by way of employment for youth and teenagers were often encouraged to move on to begge rcentres. Peter was one of five boys in his family and as destiny would have it, all became involved in transport in bone way or another. Four became owner operators and Peter chose to go into support.

He was accepted as an apprentice by the railway locomotive maintenance workshops in Goulburn in 1957 and went on to win four consecutive Railway Commissioners' Award for Apprentice of the Yea and in his fifth year was transferred to Sydney. The advent of diesel locomotives meant less maintenance was required in regional areas.

In 1963 Peter left the Railways and joined Blackwood Hodge Australia, a division of PLC with substantial mining and construction franchises including the Australian distributorship for Cummins Engines. Peter started as a tradesman and spent a few years on field service throughout the South Pacific. He was later based in various state branches in management roles. As the business grew Peter became National Service Manager, Area Director, Director of Spare Parts and Service and in 1984 was appointed a Director of the Cummins division and General Manager of Distribution for the South Pacific.

Peter retired this position in July 2002 after a 39 year association with Cummins and the road transport industry. His outstanding qualities were many including his leadership skills and his dedication and commitment o his customers and the company.


William Macmillan


Alan James Madill