Alan Savage

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2012.

Alan Savage commenced his long driving career in 1954. When living at Lancaster, he got his truck licence from Sergeant Jeffcot in Kyabram. Alan landed a job with Robinsons Transport in Kyabram driving an R 190 International transporting butter to South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and all over Victoria.
After an initial brief stint at Murray Goulburn, Alan married Teena and went to Surfers Paradise where they ran a fish and chip shop on Chevron Island for a while.In 1972, Alan returned to Victoria and resettled in Kyabram. In September 1972, he started back with Murray Goulburn where he remained for the next 37 years driving every conceivable make and model of truck owned by the company. His job was transporting milk all over northern Victoria.In a career which saw Alan clock up millions of kilometres, he only had one truck accident which was not his fault, and never got a speeding fine. In 37 years Alan had a total of 23 sick days, even after suffering a dog bite on one of the farms, which required 44 stitches. The bite needed to be drained, so instead of taking time off, Alan would visit the Kyabram Hospital before starting work each day and have his drain bag removed and a new one fitted. Alan had only four Christmas Days off in his career and didn't even take a day off while suffering from four kidney stones. In August 1996, Alan and Teena's son, Illah was tragically lost in a car accident. After taking a week off, Alan surprised everybody and went back to work and back to getting on with life .Alan retired, begrudgingly, in 2009 aged 75years. He lives with Teena in Rochester with their two dogs and the biggest collection of water tanks in Victoria. He is the proud father of Tara and lllah, and Poppy to Tarliah and Brodie.


Robert Saunders


Jim & Helen Savage