Donald Tilbrook

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2005.

The familiar sight of a smiling truckie in a towelling hat on the highways and byways of the mid-north of SA, from Orroroo to Blyth and Redhill to Andres, will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
Dedicated Yacka general carrier, Don Tilbrook retired in 2005 leaving a 27 year legacy of friendliness, punctuality and professionalism.  Don carried stock and goods to Adelaide, returning with general freight at least three times a week.  He turned to part-time trucking when 'times were not so good' on the farm he ran with his parents and he never looked back .From the old Austin farm truck he stepped up to a Bedford, followed by two Internationals and eventually notched up n early two million kilometres.  Don says he could not have done it without the help of his wife, Allison, who held the fort and performed the bookwork.  Their five sons; Andrew, Greg, Malcolm, Robert and David, were all big helpers. Don said he enjoyed meeting the people in the outback.  They are a special breed and you were always made welcome.  I couldn't leave without having a cuppa or lunch.  He is still getting used to not driving anymore, but one thing he will not miss is 'cantankerous pigs' or washing the stock crate on a cold wintry night. But during my 27 years on the road I have met many people who I regard as friends; executives, storemen, shop assistants and farmers.  I have enjoyed meeting everyone of them,  Don said, it has been quite an education. 


Wallace (Wally) Thurecht


Bernie Tobin