Stewart Terry

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2007.

Stewart Terry's love of trucks began in the 1960s, when he was a linesman and crane driver for the SEC. In 1964 he married Helen and began working for Norm Doote and Sons in Ballarat driving a single-drive V8 International carting bricks to Canberra and general local freight around Victoria.

In 1970 he purchased a Load Star tipper and started working for the gravel gang in Alice Springs, and on the roads throughout the Northern Territory. In 1973, he started for Timor Transport & Co-ords pulling roadtrains to Larrimah with fuel for the oil rigs and general freight from Alice to Darwin.

Stewart returned to Victoria with his family in 1976 where he worked for himself running from Melbourne to Adelaide. He later purchased a cab-over Atkinson which he used for roadtrain work carting out of Melbourne to Queensland and the Northern Territory. In the 90s Stewart bought a W-model Kenworth and later a SAR Kenworth. He worked from one side of the Nullarbor to the other, from the Top End to way down south hauling over-dimensional mine machinery and general freight. During the summer he would take the family and do the grain season in Ceduna.

2001 was the highlight of Stewart's life. His grandson Nicholas was born. He gave up interstate work to watch him grow up. Stewart decided to retire in 2002 from the road, but he drove everyone crazy so he started to drive tippers locally around Ballarat in Victoria. Stewart couldn't stand not being his own boss, so he bought a Volvo and carted milk and general freight from Ballarat to Melbourne and return. In 2005 he bought a T600 Kenworth working Victoria and occasionally interstate


Doug Tennant


Brian Tevelein