Sunny Warby

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2005.

Sunny Warby, a legend in his own time, bought his B model Mack in 1965, when he was at the tender age of 23. He worked the Mack for Fridgemobile, pulling their trailers for Streets.  Eventually, he bought his own trailer and went into business for himself, doing general work.

After a few years, both Sunny and the Mack went back to work for Fridgemobile.  Deciding he wanted to work for himself again, he left the company to cart produce and general loads Australia wide.

Country-wide everyone always recognised Sunny and his cherry-red Mack with Sunny Warby & Sons proudly scrolled on the side and his cheery big smile and firm handshake with his usual greeting, G'day cobber, how that bloody hell are ya? The old Mack and Sunny worked hard for 23 years up and sown the highways.  Reluctantly, he then decided to give the 'old girl' a much-deserved rest and retired her to his shed.  Sunny, went on to work for other companies, driving their agitators, earth moving gear, powder tankers and roadtrains to Darwin, Cairns and Perth.

To this day, Sunny at 63 years young is still going strong and working for Blue Circle driving their powder tankers and building roads all over the state, operating Boral's spreader on roads jobs.  Quite frequently you can catch Sunny over at the shed, patting the 'old girl' affectionately, with a big dopey grin on his face, completely lost in time and remembering the good old days when he and his Mack dazzled the world with science, clipping through the gears in the old quad box.  Sunny is considered to be one of the best 'Twin Stickers' in the business by his trucking peers


Colin Walters


Ern & Bill Ward