Edward Creswell

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at ReUnion 2006.

Edward Creswell retired in 2006 at the respectable age of 70 years.  This true gentleman on the industry has had a diversified career in many sectors of the industry.  His experience, knowledge and stories have been passed on to many.  He started out as a milko delivering milk across the provincial country town of Geelong.  Some will remember the clip clop of the hooves upon the bitumen and the clack of the bottles early in the chilly, foggy mornings as the breakfast milk was delivered, fresh and creamy, every day without fail.

In 1956 he moved on driving coal trucks making deliveries throughout Victoria from a small village, Wesleyday, just outside Windchelsea (west of Geelong).  And then, in 1960, he began driving for Coca Cola bottlers in Geelong.  Edward decided to leave the labour-intensive tasks in 1917 and moved to 'walk on, walk off' freight at Ansett Pioneer coaches.  While driving coaches his health became an issue and he transferred to Ansett freight.  After ten years, Eddie drove for Cleanaway.

In August 1986 Eddie started at Hoffmanns Transport, Nth Melbourne, at the tender age of 50.  When someone of that age starts working for one's company one might expect five or so years of service from them.  It is certainly not expected to get 20 years of wonderful service and have that employee become one of your most admired, respected and 'needed' employees.  Hoffmanns Transport was very lucky indeed to find just that in Eddie.  Many clients would 'earmark' Eddie for their deliveries and he was indeed an ambassador for Hoffmmans. Eddie often took new drivers under his wing showing them the way of the Melbourne wharves.  In those years it was a place to tread carefully and patience was paramount in long queues, as wharfies would stop work for any excuse imaginable.  Many people have been touched by his generosity and 'no bullshit' approach.  Eddie is a true gentleman and many are happy to call him a mate.


Barry Creeley


Dave Crighton