Peter Holland

Peter Anthony Holland was born in Moulamein, New South Wales on the 29thNovember 1941, one of seven children. Peter's father died when he was 10 and Legacy stepped in to help the family. Peter was sent to Kew Hostel, finishing his schooling at Burwood Technical School.

Peter returned to Moulamein and completed a motor mechanic apprenticeship, then found employment driving a tray truck six days a week throughout the Mallee district. This started his driving and truck passion.

In 1963 Peter gained employment at Lake Boga Transport, Swan Hill, (now Pickering Transport Group) and this began a 32 year career with this company.

The first seven years Peter drove tray trucks on return trips to Melbourne but his desire to drive semi-trailers soon saw him driving interstate. His first trip in a semi was a load of bricks, which he loaded and unloaded by hand, followed by his first ever trip to Sydney with a load of stone fruit which took 24 hours to get there.

The highlight of his early years was a trip from Melbourne to Perth. As the Nullarbor was a rough dirt track back then, the loaded semi was put on the train at Port Augusta, unloaded at Kalgoorlie then driven to Freemantle.

Peter was one of the first to gain his B-double licence in north west Victoria followed by a Multi Combination licence.

He then took the role as yard foreman then Workshop Manager. As the business grew he became involved with the buying and selling of trucks and trailers and Managing Depots before leaving in 1997.

After leaving Lake Boga Transport, Peter started with Ellwaste Cohuna, as Operation Manager, which included purchasing and quoting. Peter, never happy sitting behind a desk took every opportunity to be out driving numerous vehicles including B-doubles, Hooklifts, Frontlifts, Sideloaders and Rearloaders.

In 2008 Peter retired but within months he was on the road again driving school buses and coaches for Swan Hill Buslines which he is still enjoying to this day.

Peter's two sons, Dean and Rick Holland have both followed in their dad's footsteps in the transport industry.


Eddy Holland


Ronnie Hollibone