Bernard Kentwell
Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2011.
Bernard Kentwell's story begins in Rylstone, N.S.W, after returning from 2 years in the armed forces as a National Serviceman.
He worked in his local area as a driver to gain more experience before moving to Katherine N.T. in 1970 to take up a position with Buntine Roadways P/L, as a driver. He moved stock across the Top End of Australia east to Cloncurry and west to Derby W.A. and everywhere in between. These trips entailing many hours and lots of kilometres behind the wheel each day in the N.T produced a new challenge of meeting and working with some of Australia's most interesting characters, of which there are many stories to tell.
Bernard returned to Rylstone and purchased his first truck and moved stock from local farms to markets around N.S.W. In the early 80s, he sold his stock carrying business and moved to Nowra, N.S.W, securing the purchase of a prime-mover and a position with the Melbourne owned company, Cubico, as an interstate hauler. He moved loaded trailers to all states and return. On occasions Bernard's vehicle was used for voluntary charity organisations as a float in the Nowra area. Also during the drought in the 90s the truck was used in charity fodder drives. He moved forward with the takeovers, firstly Mayne Logistics and then Linfox. All the millions of kilometres done behind the wheel have now ended with his retirement. Now Bernard's new journey starts as a Grey Nomad with his wife and their caravan, travelling around to see this beautiful country in the daylight and not the dark.