Graham Keogh

Inducted into the Shell Rimula Wall of Fame at Reunion 2013.

Graham George Keogh was born at Killarney in 1962 and married Donna, daughter of Peter and Cheryl Wickham in January 1993. At the young age of 18 Graham started work for the Wickham family business, driving his first truck, a K100 Kenworth, hauling a flat top trailer with potatoes for Coles Supermarket in Brisbane. Wickham's fleet consisted of four Kenworths and a Volvo. In 1983 Graham hauled refrigerated trailers of hanging meat from Killarney and the Gold Coast to Brisbane with a T600 Kenworth. The fleet grew to 17 prime-movers in 1992 and needed an operations manager so Graham took up the challenge. 
By 1994 Graham had taken over the daily operations of the business. Graham's passion, love of trucks and dedication to their immaculate appearance, saw the business grow into one of the largest privately owned fleets in the entire country.
In 1996 the Big W Distribution Centre in Warwick was completed and Wickham Freight Lines joined with several other family-owned transport companies to service the transport needs of this distribution centre. Graham soon grew the fleet too big for the Killarney depot and in 1998 construction of its current premises in Warwick commenced. It was officially opened in March 1999 by which time the company owned 38 Kenworths. B-Doubles and roadtrains were now being used between Warwick and Melbourne. A new office complex was built in 2002. Its design was based on the Kenworth K104. In 2005 this building won the National Building Design Award.  
Wickham Freight Lines won Big W's primary transport contract in their own right in 2004. The fleet numbered 51 Kenworths. Freight came into the delivery centre from suppliers in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Deliveries went to stores in NSW and Brisbane. The company operates depots in Warwick, Sydney and Melbourne.
After 32 years Graham, a working director of WFL, continues his association with the road transport industry, operating a fleet of more than 130 Kenworths and 250 vans. With his professionalism and customer focus, he provides employment for more than 200 people based in Warwick and another 60 across Australia. The distinct red and white of the primemovers and vans can be seen every day of the week on highways between Qld and Adelaide.


Bernard Kentwell


John Kerr