Roy Pretlove
Roy Kenneth Pretlove, born 10thof November 1936 in Edenhope, Victoria. Roy was destined to be in the trucking industry from a young age. He started out work with two cousins on his dad's farm contract truck driving and spreading. In 1954 Roy and his brothers Noel, Clive and Jack started 'Pretlove Brothers'; purchasing a 1956 International AS162 Truck. Roy did all the carting; ranging from hay, grain, road material, wood, stock and machinery.
Since being able to drive trucks, Roy wouldn't have missed a harvest. Days were often long and hot during harvest but everyone knew they could rely on Roy rocking up. His sense of humor and friendly personality kept everyone around him happy and in good spirits; despite the heat, flies and dust which was all part of the harvest season. Roy took it in his stride and made it his business to ensure everyone's day was filled with as much fun, laughter and joking around as possible; something he still continues to do to this day.
Roy was known to sit in the stubble of a paddock in 45 degree heat, in the shade of his truck waiting to be loaded with a smile on his face. He knew he had a job to do.
A few memorable trips generally included Roy reversing a long way; down the Adelaide Hills in peak hour traffic when his truck ran out of power half way up the hills; and when he had to reverse 5km on a 12ft wide track in pitch black when he got stuck in a levy bank from flood plains. Another mishap was when Roy was unloading a tipper and the whole tipper tipped over.
Although Roy's business with his brothers no longer operates, he still keeps very busy at the age of 81. He drives his S-Liner Truck doing small trips for the locals and helps manage and grounds keep a recreational lake, Lake Charlegrark in Victoria. Roy lives on one side of the lake, but you will quite often find him on the other side mingling with everyone.
Roy is a character, always up for a chat and a laugh; ask any of his mates and they will tell you he is a legend in and out of a truck.